Project Management - Google Edition

I wrote an article before Project management from theory to practice.

It introduces Github’s project management method, Github Projects, and cooperates with Github to realize the integration of the entire development and project management. However, some problems may arise. Today, let’s talk about the problems that may arise and give the corresponding solutions. Let’s summarize by the way. At this stage, I think it is the best practice method for project management of open source projects.

google projects VS github projects

GitHub Projects

  • For developers: GitHub Projects is particularly suitable for software development projects because it is tightly integrated with GitHub’s code repository, issue tracking (Issues), and Pull Requests (Pull Requests).
  • Project Management Function: Provides Kanban and project milestone tracking to facilitate management of project progress and tasks.
  • Open Source Friendly: Particularly friendly to open source projects, making collaboration with global developers simple.
  • Integration and Automation: Through GitHub Actions, automated processes such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) can be realized and closely integrated with project management.

Google Projects

  • Google Workspace Integration: If you’re already using Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), then Google Projects (referring to some of Google’s project management tools like Google Tasks or the broader Google Workspace app) may Provide a better integration experience.
  • General Project Management: May be more suitable for project management of non-software development, such as marketing activities, HR projects, etc. (such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.).
  • Collaboration and Sharing: The strength of Google applications is real-time collaboration and file sharing, suitable for project teams that require close collaboration.

In the past, if you were working alone or as a simple development team, then Github Projects must be the most suitable. Now you need to consider the participation of more people and more orderly management of resources and documents. So for now, it may be More optimization collaboration is needed.

For example, some important document records, some important forms, as well as PPT presentations, meeting records, and some schedules. But for the project itself, it is very important to combine Github issue tracking and pull requests.

I hope to use GitHub Projects and Google Projects (or related tools of Google Workspace) in combination for project management, and I can develop a best practice plan based on their respective advantages. Doing so takes full advantage of both platforms and enables more efficient and comprehensive project management:

1. Use GitHub Projects to manage development activities

  • Code Management and Tracking: Leverage the core advantages of GitHub to keep all code management tasks (including version control, branch management, etc.) and activities directly related to the code (such as Bug tracking, feature requests, etc.) in GitHub.
  • Automated Workflows: Automate things like automated testing, builds, and deployments with GitHub Actions, as well as automated issue and pull request management.
  • Project Kanban Board: Use GitHub Projects’ Kanban board feature to track development progress, such as to-do items, in-progress, and completed tasks.

2. Use Google Workspace to manage other aspects of the project

  • Documents and File Sharing: Use Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides to create and share project documents, plans, and reports, taking advantage of their powerful real-time collaboration capabilities.
  • COMMUNICATIONS & MEETINGS: Keep team members connected with project meetings, communications and updates via Google Meet and Gmail.
  • Task and Schedule Management: Use Google Tasks and Calendar to manage non-development tasks (such as marketing campaigns, HR planning, etc.) as well as important project milestones and meeting schedules.

Best Practices

  • Integrated Tool Usage: Explore and use third-party tools or scripts to synchronize data between GitHub and Google Workspace. For example, you can automatically sync GitHub Issues to Google Sheets as a task list, or automatically update Google Calendar when GitHub milestones change.
  • Clear division of labor and specifications: Clearly define at the beginning of the project which tasks and activities should be managed on GitHub and which should use Google Workspace tools. Establish clear team collaboration and communication protocols to ensure all project members know which tools to use and how to use them.
  • Regular inspection and adjustment: The selection of project management methods and tools should be adjusted according to the actual situation of the project. Regularly review the team’s workflow and tool usage and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and project needs.

Google Project Management Tools: All You Need to Know

For Github project management, you can read Project management from theory to practice, and the official website of Github Projects

Let me introduce in detail some of Google’s time practice methods for project management.

Project management tool Google Workspace

One of the most popular productivity suites is Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). Google Workspace includes a variety of tools for project management, including Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. In this blog post, we’ll cover how to use Google Workspace to manage your projects.

Google Docs is a great tool for creating project plans and collaborating with team members. You can create a new document by clicking the New button in the upper left corner of the screen. Then, select “Documents” from the drop-down menu.

After creating your document, you can add titles and subtitles to organize your ideas. To add a title, click the Format menu and select Title. Then, select the heading level you want to use (for example, Heading 1, Heading 2).

If you need to insert a table or chart into your document, click the Insert menu and select the appropriate option. For example, to insert a table, click Table. Then, click the number of rows and columns you want to include in the table.

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are just some of the project management tools available in Google Workspace.

Project Management Tools Google Apps

There are many project management tools on the market, but which one is the best? Google Apps is a great choice for people who want familiar and easy-to-use tools. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best project management tools Google Apps.

#1. Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a project management tool that helps you keep track of your projects and deadlines. Using Chrome, you can create and manage project tasks, set deadlines, and track progress.

Chrome also offers features that make it easy to collaborate with team members on projects. With Chrome, you can share project files, communicate through messaging, video chat, and more.

If you’re looking for a project management tool that can help you stay organized and on track, Google Chrome is a great choice.

#2. Google Drive

Google Drive is a great project management tool because it allows you to create and store documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online. You can share these documents with others and work on them together in real time.

Google Drive is also very convenient because it can be accessed from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection. This makes it a great tool for remote teams.

Another great thing about Google Drive is that it integrates with other Google apps. For example, you can embed a Google Sheets spreadsheet into a Google Docs document. This allows you to easily keep all your project information in one place.

Overall, Google Drive is a great project management tool because it’s convenient, easy to use, and integrated with other Google apps.

#3. Mail

Google Apps is a set of tools that help you manage projects more efficiently.

One of the most useful tools in Google Apps is Gmail. Gmail allows you to track your emails and project-related communications in one place. You can also use Gmail to set up automatic replies to project-related emails, so you can stay on top of your projects even when you’re away from your desk.

#4. Google Calendar

Another useful tool in Google Apps is Google Calendar. A calendar helps you keep track of important dates and deadlines for your projects. You can also use the calendar to share project-related information with team members and clients.

Google Docs is another useful project management tool. Docs allows you to create and edit documents online, so you can collaborate on projects in real time with team members. You can also use Docs to store project-related information in one place, making it easy to find what you need when you need it.

Overall, Google Apps is a useful tool for managing projects more efficiently.

See also: Project Milestone Management: Detailed Guide with Examples

#5. Google Pay

Google Pay is a great project management tool. Using this tool, you can track your project deadlines, budget, and progress. You can also share files and collaborate with other team members. Google Pay is a free tool that works with your Gmail account.

#6. Google Docs

When it comes to project management, Google Docs is a powerful tool that can help you track projects and collaborate with your team. Google Docs offers a variety of features that make it ideal for project management, such as:

  • The ability to create and share documents with others.
  • The ability to comment on and discuss files with others.
  • The ability to track changes made to documents.
  • Ability to see who viewed a document and when.
  • Ability to add attachments to documents.

With these features, Google Docs can help you manage your projects more efficiently.

#7. Reserved by Google

This is a project management tool that helps you keep track of your tasks and to-do lists. You can create notes, set reminders, and add tags to organize your tasks. Google Keep is available on Android, iOS, and the web.

Google Keep is a great tool for managing small projects. It’s easy to use and easily accessible from anywhere. You can create notes, set reminders, and add tags to help you stay organized. Google Keep is also available on Android and iOS, so you can access your tasks from your mobile device.

#8. Google Sheets

Use Google Sheets to manage multiple projects at once.

Google Sheets can be used to track project tasks, deadlines, and progress. It can also be used to assign tasks to team members and track who is responsible for each task.

This Google app also has a built-in chat feature to easily communicate with team members about projects. This can help ask questions or provide updates about the project.

Overall, Google Sheets is a great project management tool. It’s versatile and easy to use, and has some features to help manage your projects.

#9. Google Map

Google Maps is a web map service developed by Google. It provides satellite imagery, street maps, 360-degree panoramic views of streets, real-time traffic conditions and route planning by foot, car, bike or public transport.

Google Maps was originally a C++ desktop program designed by Lars and Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen of Where 2 Technologies. In September 2004, the company was acquired by Google, which converted it into a web application.

Google Maps launched in September 2005 after additional acquisitions of a geospatial data visualization company and a real-time traffic analyzer. The front-end of the service uses JavaScript, XML, and Ajax. Google Maps provides an API that allows maps to be embedded into third-party websites, as well as mobile apps for Android and iOS devices.

Google Maps is extremely successful and is one of the most popular mapping services on the web. As of September 2019, it had over 200 million monthly active users.

What project management methods does Google use?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the project management methods used by Google vary depending on the specific project they are working on. However, some of the methodologies they have been known to use in the past include Agile, Scrum, and Kanban.

Google Sheets Project Management

There are several project management tools available online, but one that is often overlooked is Google Sheets. This free spreadsheet app can be used to track projects, create timelines, and manage tasks.

While Google Sheets may not have all the bells and whistles of some more expensive project management software, it is a powerful tool for managing projects effectively. Here are some tips for using Google Sheets for project management:

  1. Create a project timeline. Use Google Sheets to create a timeline for your project. This will help you keep track of deadlines and milestones.
  2. Track tasks and progress. Use Google Sheets to track tasks and progress. This will help you stay on top of your project and ensure it stays on track.
  3. Communicate with team members. Use Google Forms to communicate with your team members. This will help everyone stay on the same page and avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Stay organized. Stay organized with Google Sheets. This will help you keep track of your project and ensure everything is running smoothly.

Are there project management tools in Gsuite?

If you’re using Gsuite, you’re most likely looking for a way to better manage your projects. While Gsuite doesn’t have a dedicated project management tool, there are many ways to use its various features to organize your projects and keep them on track. Here are some tips:

  • Use Google Calendar to stay on top of project deadlines and milestones.
  • Create a shared Google Drive folder for all project documents.
  • Use Google Sheets or other spreadsheet programs to track project tasks.
  • Use Google Hangouts for team meetings and collaboration.

With a little creativity, you can use Gsuite to manage your projects as effectively as any dedicated project management tool. Give it a try today!

Is there a Google version of MS Project?

No, there is currently no Google version of MS Project. However, Google offers a variety of project management tools that can be used to manage projects. Google Sheets and Google Docs are two such tools that can be used to track project tasks and progress.

Does Google have a Gantt chart?

Yes, Google has a Gantt chart tool for project management. It’s part of the Google Docs suite, so you need a Google account to access it. The tool is very basic but helpful for simple projects.

See also: Project Milestone Management: Detailed Guide with Examples

Google Project Milestone Management: Detailed Guide with Examples

When completing any project, you must know how to do it from start to finish. While it may seem simple, or just a chore, the truth is that milestones are the most important element. Yes, you must perform the responsibilities assigned to you in the project. You have to keep the end goal in mind. However, if you don’t set milestones throughout your project, you’ll find it difficult to maintain the desired pace or determine if you’re on the right track. This is where project milestones come in. Let’s look at what milestones mean in project management and typical examples of milestones.

**What are project milestones? **

Project milestones are specific tasks that must be completed for the project within a certain period of time approximate time. These are the timelines At the point you want to accomplish some measurable work that can be handed off to a project manager or even a client. Milestones should be more important than the little things you accomplish every day. This is because their purpose is to inform you whether the project will be completed on time.

**What are project management milestones? **

A milestone is a defining moment in a project’s lifecycle that is used to track progress toward an end goal. Milestones in project management are used as markers for project start or completion dates, external evaluation or input, budget checks, submission of major deliverables, etc. It is a reference point that represents a major event or branching decision point in a project.

**Why are project milestones important? **

Milestones ensure your team is moving in the right direction. But that’s not all.

Here are some other things you can do with milestones:

  • Create a good project plan and framework.
  • Pay close attention to the progress of the project.
  • Identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Determine when the project will be completed.

This last point is useful when you need to answer your stakeholders’ favorite question: “Are you done?”

How to set project milestones

How do you create project milestones? This will require a detailed examination of the overall purpose of the project and the work that makes up the project. What must be done for the project to be considered successful? List the final deliverables you have to produce and the time frame you have set. You may want to set an earlier deadline than the one agreed upon to give yourself some wiggle room if complications arise.

Then, write down all the important tasks that must be completed before the deadline. What are your key responsibilities that show you are on track? These are project milestones. You might have one each month for short-term projects and one each quarter for long-term projects. The idea is to have a configuration that works for the type of project you’re working on.

Remember, a milestone is not necessarily a single activity. It could be a set of chores, or it could be completing the design portion of a project or finalizing a blueprint. Your milestones can be all kinds of things. The most critical feature is that it is essential to the completion of the project and will show whether you are on track.

**Who creates project milestones in project management? **

When creating project milestones, various stakeholders should be involved. First, discuss with the client what they really want from the project. They will determine the final deliverables, and the two of you (and possibly the boss or manager) will determine the deadline for the final deliverables. This helps you plan all the work that needs to be done at the same time and start the process of defining milestones.

You should also discuss with your client any intermediate deliverables that they desire. They may want you to provide smaller updates during the project. They may have other deliverables that they want to see while you’re working on the project. In either case, these types of documents and updates will be milestones you want to highlight and ensure are met to keep your customers happy. These may have deadlines agreed upon in advance by you and the client or by you and your management.

What to pay attention to when creating milestones in project management

When it comes to project milestones, there are a few things to keep in mind. You have to pay attention to each of these things to stay on track and on target. If you don’t take all of these factors into consideration when creating diagrams and timelines, you could run into serious trouble when it comes to executing your final project. You may find that you don’t meet deadlines, which is unacceptable to your management or clients.

#1. Dependencies

Dependencies are one of the first things to consider when setting timelines and project milestones. Anywhere one of your team members or a smaller team depends on another is a potential source of trouble. This is a position where handoffs can be delayed, leaving the team or individuals behind unable to perform the tasks assigned to them. Keep this in mind when creating milestones.

#2. Delays beyond your control

When we talk about delays outside of your control, we’re talking about problems getting supplies or getting items from outside merchants. These problems can occur for a variety of reasons and can occur at any time during project setup and execution. You might get something that is incorrect or doesn’t arrive at all. The supplier may have trouble even shipping the item to your location. You must consider each of these factors when developing milestones.

#3. Team delays

Team delays are things that happen within your team. Such as someone getting sick or your team going on strike. There are many ways people on your team can slow down the process, intentionally or unintentionally, and you want to be prepared for any possibility. There will always be things in a team that are beyond your control, or slowdowns that you can’t explain, but for the most part, you can build buffers to deal with them.

#4. Client changes

When you’re working on a project, your client will most likely make some changes along the way. You must make sure you are prepared for any type of modifications they may require and that your milestones are updated to reflect this. If a customer makes a change to one of the milestones, let them know how it affects other milestones and the overall timeframe. It’s best to try to stay on track, but this isn’t always possible. Be clear with the client on the impact of their adjustments on the project.

#5. Longer than expected timeline

Your team will provide you with timelines and estimates of how long each aspect of the project will take. The most important thing you can do is include a buffer in these areas to ensure you are prepared for any further delays. What you think will take a week may take two weeks, and what you think will take a day may take a few days or longer. Allow some extra time for each task so you don’t fall behind if anything doesn’t go as planned.

#6. Unexpected demand

You might start working on your project only to learn about additional requirements that you didn’t anticipate. Maybe you thought you could use an existing blueprint, only to find that it doesn’t work. Or you might expect the client to provide a specific item for the project, but they don’t. All of these unexpected demands can impact your ability to meet the milestones you have set, which means making more space.

What are some examples of project milestones?

Now that you know what project management milestones are, let’s look at some examples of events that are commonly used as project milestones:

Here are five typical examples of project milestones:

  1. Project Approval
  2. Inspection requirements
  3. Design approval
  4. Milestones for each project phase
  5. Final permission required.

Let’s look at each project milestone example in more detail:

Example of Project Milestone #1: Project Approval

This is usually the first major milestone in the project life cycle.

When a key project stakeholder or senior executive approves the project, it gives the project team the green light to begin work.

Example of Project Milestone #2: RequirementsReview

For this important milestone, you must review the project plan with your client and determine what the project requires.

Once all of this is accepted, you can start working on the project.

Project Milestone Example #3: Design Approval

You have now completed all project requirements. Excellent work.

However, now is the time to create the project design and present it to the client or stakeholders.

Unfortunately, they will probably give you a lot of input and scream these three terrible phrases… “Do it again”

When they finally like it and approve it (after a million tries!), you’ve accomplished another important milestone.

Project Milestone Example #4: Project Phase Milestones

Your project is now well underway and your team is hard at work developing and implementing the proposed solution.

On the other hand, working on a project is more than just a long, drawn-out activity.

A project is usually divided into phases such as “development phase” and “testing phase”.

We use milestones at the “start” and “end” dates of each phase to clearly differentiate between the phases.

Wouldn’t that be convenient?

Project Milestone Example #5: Final Approval

think about it:

Your staff has finished building the product, and after extensive testing and inspection, you are finally ready.

Best Practices

I combined the project management method of OpenIM, optimized the project management, and proposed a practical method for our new project AICworld project at this stage.

Suppose our team is developing an open source software project with team members located around the world and needs a flexible and efficient way to collaborate and manage the project.

GitHub Projects for development task management

  1. Project Kanban (Kanban): Create a project Kanban in GitHub Projects and divide the development work into several stages: To Do, In Progress, and Review), completed (Done).
    • To-do items: new feature requirements, bugs to be fixed, etc.
    • In Progress: Tasks that are currently being developed or fixed.
    • PENDING REVIEW: Pull requests (PR) that require code review or further discussion.
    • Completed: Completed tasks, including PRs that have been merged.
  2. Issues and Pull Requests: Use GitHub’s Issues to track bugs and feature requests. Before starting work, developers associate the relevant Issue with the tasks in the Kanban board, and submit a PR after completion, which is then linked to the original Issue.
  3. Automation (GitHub Actions):
    • Automatically tag new Issues (such as “bug”, “feature”).
    • Automatically close related issues when PR is merged.
    • Automatically run tests and deployments.

Google Workspace for document management and team communication

  1. Documents and Reports (Google Docs and Sheets):
    • Create project documents, such as design documents, user manuals, etc., share and collaborate in the form of Google Docs.
    • Use Google Sheets to track project milestones, budgets and resource allocations.
  2. Meetings and Communication (Google Meet and Gmail):
    • Schedule project meetings regularly and use Google Meet for remote video meetings.
    • Use Gmail and Google Groups (google chat) as the main communication channels to keep project information flowing and updated.
  3. Schedule and task management (Google Calendar and Tasks):
    • Use Google Calendar to schedule and share all project-related meetings and important dates.
    • Use Google Tasks (of course I use tick lists) to assign and track non-development tasks to team members.

Best Practices

  • Two-way synchronization: Sync GitHub Issues to Google Sheets by using API or existing integration tools on the market, so that non-technical team members can also track project status.
  • Standardized Communication: Ensure all team members understand when and how to use various tools in GitHub and Google Workspace for communication and task management.
  • Regular Review: At the end of each iteration or phase, organize a review meeting and use Google Meet for remote participation. Review the usage efficiency of project dashboards and documents and collect suggestions for improvement.



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