OpenIM cross-platform source code type checking tool



In the automation path of OpenIM, it involves more and more comprehensive automated design and testing. In the process, I encountered a problem, so I completed a full set of experience from go language type detection to integrated local and CI.

The problem is this issue:

Our Go code encountered an integer overflow issue when running on a 32-bit system (linux/386). This problem occurs because the int type in Go has different sizes depending on the architecture: on 32-bit systems it is equivalent to int32, and on 64-bit systems it is equivalent to int64.

It happened to run normally on 64-bit machines, but overflow problems would occur on 32-bit machines, so I thought about making a set of detection tools to solve the type detection of each platform.

Part 1: Review of Go language basics

Before we dive into the code, let’s review some basic concepts of the Go language, specifically package management, concurrent programming, and the type system. These concepts are fundamental to understanding and programming effectively with the Go language.

Package management

  1. The concept of package
    • Every file in the Go language belongs to a package, and a package is a collection of multiple Go files.
    • Packages are used to organize code, prevent naming conflicts, and improve code reusability.
  2. Import package
    • Use the import statement to import other packages.
    • You can import standard library packages, third-party packages, or custom packages.
  3. Create a custom package
    • Create a new directory in the project, and the Go files in this directory belong to the same package.
    • The package name is usually the same as the directory name, but is not mandatory.

Concurrent programming

  1. Goroutine
    • The concurrency unit of Go language is called goroutine.
    • Use the go keyword to start a new goroutine.
    • Goroutines are more lightweight than threads and can effectively utilize multi-core processors. 2.Channel
    • Channel is a pipe used to pass messages between goroutines.
    • Can be buffered or unbuffered.
    • Data transfer through channels can avoid race conditions.

Type system

  1. Type declaration
    • Go is a statically typed language, each variable has an explicit type.
    • Support basic types (such as int, float, bool), composite types (such as struct, slice ), and user-defined types.
  2. Interface
    • An interface type is an abstract type that specifies a set of methods but does not implement these methods.
    • Any type with these methods can implement this interface.
    • Interfaces provide a way to specify the behavior of an object.
  3. Type assertion and reflection
    • Type assertions are used to check the dynamic type of interface values.
    • Reflection is a method of checking and modifying the type and value of variables.

Type declaration

In the Go language, type declarations are the way to define new types. Go supports a variety of types, including primitive types (such as int, float64, bool), composite types (such as array, slice, map, struct), and interface types. Type declarations allow you to create custom types, which is important for writing clear, easy-to-maintain code.

Basic type declaration

A basic type declaration refers to defining a new type based on an existing type. For example, you can create a new type called Seconds, which is based on the int type.

type Seconds int

Here, Seconds is a new type that has all the features of int.

Structure type declaration

Structure (struct) is a very important composite type in Go language. It allows you to combine different types of data together.

type Person struct {
     Name string
     Age int

In this example, we define a Person type with two fields: Name and Age.

Use custom types

After you create custom types, you can use them like any other type.

func main() {
     varsSeconds = 10
     fmt.Println(s) // Output: 10

     var p Person
     p.Name = "Alice"
     p.Age = 30
     fmt.Println(p) // Output: {Alice 30}

Demo: Custom types and structures

Let’s use a small example to show how to define and use custom types and structures.

package main

import "fmt"

//Define a custom type based on int
type Counter int

//Define a structure type
type Rectangle struct {
     Length, Width int

// Define a method for the Rectangle type
func (r Rectangle) Area() int {
     return r.Length * r.Width

func main() {
     // use custom type
     var c Counter = 5
     fmt.Println("Counter:", c)

     //Use custom structure
     rect := Rectangle{Length: 10, Width: 5}
     fmt.Println("Rectangle:", rect)
     fmt.Println("Area:", rect.Area())

In this example, we define a Counter type and a Rectangle structure. For Rectangle, we also define a method Area, which returns the area of the rectangle. Then in the main function we create and use instances of these types.

This example shows how to define and use custom types and structs in Go, and how to define methods for structs. This way you can create more complex and feature-rich data structures.


In Go, an interface is a type that specifies a set of method signatures. When a type implements these methods, it is said to implement the interface. Interfaces are a very powerful feature because they provide a way to define the behavior of objects rather than their concrete implementations. This abstraction is the basis for polymorphic and flexible design.

Declaration of interface

Interfaces are declared in Go via the interface keyword. An interface can contain multiple methods. An empty interface (interface{}) contains no methods, so all types implement the empty interface by default.

typeShape interface {
     Area() float64
     Perimeter() float64

A Shape interface is defined here, containing two methods Area and Perimeter. Any type that defines these two methods implements the Shape interface.

Implement the interface

In Go, we don’t need to explicitly declare that a type implements an interface. If a type has all the methods of an interface, then it implements the interface.

type Rectangle struct {
     Length, Width float64

// The Rectangle type implements the Shape interface
func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
     return r.Length * r.Width

func (r Rectangle) Perimeter() float64 {
     return 2 * (r.Length + r.Width)

Usage of interface

Interfaces can be used to create functions that can accept many different types, as long as those types implement the interface.

// Calculate the total area of the shape
func TotalArea(shapes ...Shape) float64 {
     var area float64
     for _, s := range shapes {
         area += s.Area()
     return area

Demo: Implementation and use of interface

The following example shows how to define an interface, implement it, and use it in a function.

package main

import (

// Shape interface
typeShape interface {
     Area() float64
     Perimeter() float64

// Rectangle type
type Rectangle struct {
     Length, Width float64

// Rectangle implements the Shape interface
func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
     return r.Length * r.Width

func (r Rectangle) Perimeter() float64 {
     return 2 * (r.Length + r.Width)

// Circle type
type Circle struct {
     Radius float64

// Circle implements the Shape interface
func (c Circle) Area() float64 {
     return math.Pi * c.Radius * c.Radius

func (c Circle) Perimeter() float64 {
     return 2 * math.Pi * c.Radius

//The TotalArea function accepts a series of shapes that implement the Shape interface
func TotalArea(shapes ...Shape) float64 {
     var area float64
     for _, shape := range shapes {
         area += shape.Area()
     return area

func main() {
     r := Rectangle{Length: 10, Width: 5}
     c := Circle{Radius: 12}

     fmt.Println("Total Area:", TotalArea(r, c))

In this example, we define the Shape interface, the Rectangle and Circle types, and then let Rectangle and Circle implement the Shape interface. The TotalArea function accepts any type array that implements the Shape interface and calculates their total area. This way, you can pass to TotalArea any shape that implements the Shape interface.

This example demonstrates how polymorphism can be achieved through interfaces, allowing you to write more flexible and extensible code.

Type assertion and reflection

Type assertion and reflection are two important concepts for dealing with types and values in the Go language. These two mechanisms provide the ability to inspect and manipulate values of interface types.

Type assertion

Type assertions are used to check the dynamic type of an interface value, or to convert an interface value to a more specific type. The syntax for type assertion is x.(T), where x is a variable of interface type and T is the type you wish to assert.

If the type assertion succeeds, it returns the value’s concrete type and a boolean value true; if it fails, it returns a zero value and false.

var i interface{} = "hello"

s, ok := i.(string)
if ok {
     fmt.Println(s) // Output: hello
} else {
     fmt.Println("Not a string")


Reflection is a powerful feature of the Go language that allows programs to inspect the types and values of objects and modify them at runtime. Go’s reflection mechanism is built on two important types: reflect.Type and reflect.Value, which represent types and values from interface values respectively.

To use reflection, you first need to import the reflect package.

Check type and value

You can use the reflect.TypeOf() and reflect.ValueOf() functions to get the type and value of any object.

var x float64 = 3.4

t := reflect.TypeOf(x) // Get the type of x
fmt.Println("Type:", t) // Output: Type: float64

v := reflect.ValueOf(x) // Get the value of x
fmt.Println("Value:", v) // Output: Value: 3.4

Modify value

You can also modify values through reflection. To do this, you need to make sure you are using an addressable reflect.Value for the value, and then call the Set method of reflect.Value.

var y float64 = 3.4
v := reflect.ValueOf(&y) // Note: we passed a pointer to y
fmt.Println(y) // Output: 7.1

Demo: Type assertion and use of reflection

The following examples show how to use type assertions and reflection in Go language.

package main

import (

func main() {
     // type assertion
     var i interface{} = "Hello, world!"

     s, ok := i.(string)
     if ok {
         fmt.Println("Value:", s) // Output: Value: Hello, world!
     } else {
         fmt.Println("i is not a string")

     var x float64 = 3.4
     fmt.Println("Type:", reflect.TypeOf(x)) // Output: Type: float64
     fmt.Println("Value:", reflect.ValueOf(x)) // Output: Value: 3.4

     //Reflection modified value
     var y float64 = 3.4
     v := reflect.ValueOf(&y)
     fmt.Println("New Value of y:", y) // Output: New Value of y: 7.1

In this example, we first demonstrate how to use type assertions to inspect and access the underlying type of an interface value. We then used reflection to check the type and value of variables and demonstrated how to modify a variable’s value. These techniques are an important part of advanced Go programming and allow programs to handle types and values more flexibly.

Part 2: Code Interpretation

Now let’s dig into the Go code you provided. This code is a tool for quick type checking of OpenIM code, supporting cross-platform builds. We will analyze the main parts of this code block by block to better understand its structure and functionality.

1. Package declaration and import

package main

import (
     //A series of imported packages
  • This code declares a Go program belonging to the main package.
  • The import part includes Go standard libraries (such as fmt, log, os) and third-party libraries (

2. Global variable declaration

var (
     //A series of global variables
  • A series of global variables are declared here, mainly used to control the behavior of the program (such as verbose, cross, platforms, etc.).
  • These variables are set via command line arguments and are used in programs to control the behavior of type checking.

3. newConfig function

func newConfig(platform string) *packages.Config {
     platSplit := strings.Split(platform, "/")
     goos, goarch := platSplit[0], platSplit[1]
     mode := packages.NeedName | packages.NeedFiles | packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedSyntax | packages.NeedDeps | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedModule
     if *defuses {
         mode = mode | packages.NeedTypesInfo
     env := append(os.Environ(),
         fmt.Sprintf("GOOS=%s", goos),
         fmt.Sprintf("GOARCH=%s", goarch))
     tagstr := "selinux"
     if *tags != "" {
         tagstr = tagstr + "," + *tags
     flags := []string{"-tags", tagstr}

     return &packages.Config{
         Mode: mode,
         Env: env,
         BuildFlags: flags,
         Tests: !(*skipTest),
  • The newConfig function creates a new packages.Config object based on the specified platform.
  • This configuration determines how Go code packages are loaded and analyzed.
  1. Decomposition of platform parameters:

    • The input platform parameter is a string in the format "GOOS/GOARCH". For example: “linux/amd64” or “darwin/arm64”.
      • strings.Split(platform, "/") is used to split the string into two parts: operating system (goos) and architecture (goarch) .
  2. Set loading mode:

    • The mode variable defines what information needs to be collected when loading the package. For example, packages.NeedName indicates that the name of the package is needed, packages.NeedTypes indicates that type information is needed, etc.
      • If the defuses flag is true, also add packages.NeedTypesInfo to collect type information.
  3. Environment variable settings:

    • env is to create a new environment variable slice, based on the current system environment variables, and add CGO_ENABLED (allow CGo), GOOS and GOARCH (target platform).
      • This ensures that packages are loaded and type checked for the target platform.
  4. Build label settings:

    • tagstr is initially set to "selinux". If additional build tags are provided (via the tags global variable), they are added to tagstr.
      • These tags are used during compilation for conditional compilation.
  5. Build flags:

    • flags Slice containing build-time command line flags. Here, only the tags flag is set, with the value tagstr.
  6. Return to configuration:

    • Finally, the function creates and returns a packages.Config instance that contains all these settings.
      • This configuration will be used for subsequent package loading and analysis.

collector structure

type collector struct {
  • collector The structure has two fields, both of which are string slices.
  • dirs is used to store the collected directory paths.
  • ignoreDirs is a set of directory paths that need to be ignored.

newCollector function

func newCollector(ignoreDirs string) collector {
     c := collector{
         ignoreDirs: append([]string(nil), standardIgnoreDirs...),
     if ignoreDirs != "" {
         c.ignoreDirs = append(c.ignoreDirs, strings.Split(ignoreDirs, ",")...)
     return c
  • This function creates and returns a new collector instance.
  • It initializes the ignoreDirs field, first containing a standard set of ignore directories (standardIgnoreDirs), which may be defined elsewhere in the code.
  • If an additional ignoreDirs string is provided (passed as a parameter), this string is comma-split and the result is added to the ignoreDirs slice.
  • The function returns the configured collector instance.

walk method

func (c *collector) walk(roots []string) error {
     for _, root := range roots {
         err := filepath.Walk(root, c.handlePath)
         if err != nil {
             return err
     return nil
  • walk is a method of collector that walks through a set of root directories (roots) and collects directory paths.
  • It uses the filepath.Walk function to recursively walk each root directory. filepath.Walk requires a callback function, which is c.handlePath (not yet defined in your code snippet).
  • If an error is encountered during the traversal, the walk method will return the error immediately.
  • After the traversal is completed, the collected **dirs**Sort to ensure that the order of the directory listing is consistent.

5. verify method

func (c *collector) verify(plat string) ([]string, error) {
     errors := []packages.Error{}
     start := time.Now()
     config := newConfig(plat)

     rootPkgs, err := packages.Load(config, c.dirs...)
     if err != nil {
         return nil, err

     // Recursively import all deps and flatten to one list.
     allMap := map[string]*packages.Package{}
     for _, pkg := range rootPkgs {
         if *verbose {
             serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "pkg %q has %d GoFiles\\n", pkg.PkgPath, len(pkg.GoFiles))
         allMap[pkg.PkgPath] = pkg
         if len(pkg.Imports) > 0 {
             for _, imp := range pkg.Imports {
                 if *verbose {
                     serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "pkg %q imports %q\\n", pkg.PkgPath, imp.PkgPath)
                 allMap[imp.PkgPath] = imp
     keys := make([]string, 0, len(allMap))
     for k := range allMap {
         keys = append(keys, k)
     allList := make([]*packages.Package, 0, len(keys))
     for _, k := range keys {
         allList = append(allList, allMap[k])

     for _, pkg := range allList {
         if len(pkg.GoFiles) > 0 {
             if len(pkg.Errors) > 0 && (pkg.PkgPath == "main" || strings.Contains(pkg.PkgPath, ".")) {
                 errors = append(errors, pkg.Errors...)
         if *defuses {
             for id, obj := range pkg.TypesInfo.Defs {
                 serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "%s: %q defines %v\\n",
                     pkg.Fset.Position(id.Pos()), id.Name, obj)
             for id, obj := range pkg.TypesInfo.Uses {
                 serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "%s: %q uses %v\\n",
                     pkg.Fset.Position(id.Pos()), id.Name, obj)
     if *timings {
         serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "%s took %.1fs\\n", plat, time.Since(start).Seconds())
     return dedup(errors), nil
  1. Initialize error list and timing:

    • Create a slice of type errors of type packages.Error to store errors found during type checking.
      • Record start time start, used to calculate the total time spent on type checking.
  2. Load configuration and packages:

    • Generate platform-specific configuration config by calling the newConfig function (analyzed previously).
      • Use the packages.Load function to load the directory specified in c.dirs, that is, the collected Go code package.
  3. Process packages and dependencies:

    • Create a map allMap to store all loaded packages and their dependencies.
      • Loop through loaded root packages rootPkgs and add them and their imported packages to allMap.
        • If verbose mode is enabled (verbose flag), print package information.
  4. Organize and traverse all packages:

    • Create and populate a keys slice containing the paths to all packages in the allMap.
      • Sort keys and use the keys to create an ordered list of packages allList.
  5. Check error and type information:

    • Traverse allList and check each package.
      • Collect error information for packages containing errors.
        • If output of type definition and usage information is enabled (defuses flag), print out this information.
  6. Timing and return:

    • If timing mode is enabled (timings flag), print out the elapsed time of the type check.
      • Return the error list after deduplication.

6. main function

func main() {
     args := flag.Args()

     if *verbose {
         *serial = true // to avoid confusing interleaved logs

     if len(args) == 0 {
         args = append(args, ".")

     c := newCollector(*ignoreDirs)

     if err := c.walk(args); err != nil {
         log.Fatalf("Error walking: %v", err)

     platforms := crossPlatforms[:]
     if *platforms != "" {
         platforms = strings.Split(*platforms, ",")
     } else if !*cross {
         plats = plats[:1]

     var wg sync.WaitGroup
     var failMu sync.Mutex
     failed := false

     if *serial {
         *parallel = 1
     } else if *parallel == 0 {
         *parallel = len(plats)
     throttle := make(chan int, *parallel)

     for _, plat := range plats {
         go func(plat string) {
             // block until there's room for this task
             throttle <- 1
             defer func() {
                 // indicate this task is done

             f := false
             serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "type-checking %s\\n", plat)
             errors, err := c.verify(plat)
             if err != nil {
                 serialFprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR(%s): failed to verify: %v\\n", plat, err)
                 f = true
             } else if len(errors) > 0 {
                 for _, e := range errors {
                     // Special case CGo errors which may depend on headers we
                     // don't have.
                     if !strings.HasSuffix(e, "could not import C (no metadata for C)") {
                         f = true
                         serialFprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR(%s): %s\\n", plat, e)
             failed = failed || f
     if failed {
  1. Parse command line parameters:

    • flag.Parse() Parse command line parameters.
      • flag.Args() Get non-flag command line arguments.
  2. Set verbose mode:

    • If verbose mode (verbose) is enabled, set serial to true to avoid interleaving information in the log.
  3. Process input parameters:

    • If no non-flag arguments are supplied (args is empty), the current directory "." is used as the default argument.
  4. Initialize the directory collector:

    • Use newCollector to create a new collector Example for collecting directories.
  5. Traverse the directory:

    • Call the c.walk method to traverse the root directory specified by the command line parameters and collect directory paths.
      • If an error is encountered, use log.Fatalf to print the error message and exit the program.
  6. Set platform list:

    • Get the default platform list from crossPlatforms.
      • If the platforms argument is provided, the list of platforms specified by that argument is used.
        • If cross-platform building is not enabled (cross is false), only the first platform in the list is used.
  7. Concurrency control initialization:

    • Initialization sync.WaitGroup is used to wait for all goroutines to complete.
      • Use mutex failMu to protect shared variables failed.
        • Set concurrency control based on the serial or parallel parameters.
  8. Concurrent execution of type checking:

    • Iterate through the platform list and start a goroutine for each platform for type checking.
      • Use throttle channel to limit the number of goroutines running simultaneously.
        • Each goroutine internally executes c.verify to perform type checking and updates the failed status based on the check results.
  9. Wait for all goroutines to complete:

    • wg.Wait() blocks until all goroutines call the Done method.
  10. Check for failures:

    • If any type check fails (failed is true), exit the program with a non-zero status.

Key points

  • This main function implements a concurrent type checking tool that can handle multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Uses the concurrency features of the Go language (goroutines and channels) and synchronization primitives (such as sync.WaitGroup and sync.Mutex) to control concurrent execution and synchronization.
  • Errors are handled in detail within the function to ensure program robustness and correct error reporting.

7. Concurrency control

  • sync.WaitGroup and sync.Mutex are used in the code to control concurrency.
  • This allows programs to be type-checked on multiple platforms simultaneously while ensuring correct output and error handling.

Part 3 Type Checking Mechanism

Type checking is a mechanism used in programming languages to verify the types of variables and expressions to ensure the consistency and correctness of data. In Go language, type checking is mainly done at compile time, but in some cases it can also be done at runtime. The following are several key aspects of the Go language type checking mechanism:

Compile-time type checking

  1. Static type system:

    • Go is a statically typed language, which means the types of variables are determined at compile time.
      • The compiler checks every expression and variable assignment to ensure type compatibility and correctness.
  2. Type inference:

    • The Go compiler is able to infer the type of variables in certain situations, such as when using the := syntax.
      • Even with type inference, Go still ensures type safety and does not allow operations between incompatible types.
  3. Strong type checking:

    • Go is a strongly typed language and does not allow implicit conversions between different types.
      • For example, you cannot directly assign an integer variable to a string type variable unless explicit type conversion is performed.

Runtime type checking

  1. Interface type assertion:

    • Type assertions can be used at runtime to check the actual type of interface variables.
      • Type assertions provide a way to query and verify the type of interface values at runtime.
  2. Reflection:

    • Reflection provides a runtime mechanism for inspecting and manipulating values of any type.
      • Through reflection, you can dynamically obtain the type information of variables and even modify the values of variables.

Type checking practice

In the code you provided, a key application of type checking is through the packages package. This package allows programs to load and analyze Go code at runtime for type checking. Here are some of its uses:

  1. Load the code package:

    • Use the packages.Load function to load code packages and get detailed information about the package, including type information.
  2. Analyze dependencies:

    • Analyze dependencies of code packages, including imported packages and referenced types.
  3. Error reporting:

    • During package loading and analysis, packages can report various type errors, such as unresolved references or type mismatches.

Demo: Using packages package for type checking

Here is a simple example showing how to use packages packages for type checking:

package main

import (

func main() {
     cfg := &packages.Config{Mode: packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedSyntax}
     pkgs, err := packages.Load(cfg, "path/to/your/package")
     if err != nil {
         fmt.Println("Error:", err)

     for _, pkg := range pkgs {
         for _, err := range pkg.Errors {
             fmt.Println("Type Error:", err)

In this example, we use the packages.Load function to load the package from the specified path and print out any type errors. This is a way to type-check your code at runtime, especially useful for building code analysis tools or compiler plugins.

Part 4 Cross-Platform Build

Cross-platform building is the ability to build a program from one platform (such as Windows) to run on another platform (such as Linux or macOS). In the Go language, cross-platform building is a built-in feature and is very easy to implement. Here are some key points to achieve cross-platform builds:

1. Cross-platform support for Go language

  • Compiler Support: The Go language compiler supports multiple operating systems and architectures, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, macOS, ARM and AMD64.
  • Unified Standard Library: Go’s standard library is cross-platform, meaning that most standard library functions behave consistently on all supported platforms.

2. Set target platform

  • GOOS and GOARCH environment variables: You can specify the target operating system and architecture by setting the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables. For example, GOOS=linux and GOARCH=amd64 will build the program for Linux AMD64.
  • Cross-compilation: Compiling an executable file on one platform to run on another platform is called cross-compilation. The Go language natively supports cross-compilation by simply setting relevant environment variables.

3. Conditional compilation

  • Build Constraints: The Go language supports conditional compilation through file names and build tags. You can write specialized code for a specific platform.
  • File name constraints: For example, a file named xxx_windows.go will only be included when building the Windows version of the program.
  • Build Tags: Comments at the top of files can be used as build tags, such as // +build linux, and such files will only be included when building the Linux version.

4. Dependency management

  • Dependency Selection: When building cross-platform, ensure that the dependent packages are also cross-platform. Some third-party packages may only work with specific operating systems or architectures.

5. Test cross-platform compatibility

  • Automated Testing: Write tests to verify that your program behaves consistently across different platforms. This helps detect cross-platform compatibility issues early.

6. Using Docker and virtualization technology

  • Docker container: Use Docker containers to simulate different operating system environments to test the cross-platform compatibility of the program.
  • Virtual Machine: For more comprehensive testing, run your program on a virtual machine with different operating systems.

Example: Cross Compilation

Here is a simple example showing how to cross-compile a Go program for Windows AMD64 architecture on a Linux system.

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o myapp.exe myapp.go

In this command, we specify the target platform by setting the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables, and then execute the go build command to generate an executable for Windows AMD64 document.

By mastering these concepts and techniques, you can ensure that your Go applications run seamlessly on multiple platforms, thereby expanding your application’s usability and audience reach.

**In fact, OpenIM itself has implemented this part, especially in the Makefile system and CICD system: **

Among them, multi-architecture compilation:

make multiarch PLATFORMS="linux_s390x linux_mips64 linux_mips64le darwin_amd64 windows_amd64 linux_amd64 linux_arm64"

Build the specified binary:

make build BINS="openim-api openim-cmdutils"

Part 5 Concurrent Programming Practice

In the Go language project you provided, concurrency is used to perform type checking on different platforms at the same time, thereby improving efficiency. The Go language provides powerful concurrent programming features, mainly through goroutines (lightweight threads) and channels (pipes for communication between goroutines). Here are the key practices and concepts of concurrent programming in your projects:

1. Using Goroutines

  • Startup of Goroutines: Start a new goroutine by using the go keyword before the function call. In your project, this is used to enable type checking for multiple platforms simultaneously.

2. Synchronize Goroutines

  • sync.WaitGroup: Use sync.WaitGroup in your project to wait for a group of goroutines to complete. WaitGroup has three main methods: Add (increase the count), Done (decrement the count), and Wait (wait for the count to reach zero).
  • Example usage: Each time a type-checked goroutine is started, the count of WaitGroup is incremented. When each type check is completed, the Done method is called. The main goroutine blocks on the Wait method until all type checks are completed.

3. Control concurrency

  • Limit the number of concurrencies: The project uses a channel as a concurrency limiter (throttling mechanism). This channel is used to control the number of goroutines running simultaneously.
  • Example usage: Limit the number of goroutines running simultaneously by limiting the capacity of the channel. Each goroutine starts by receiving a value from the channel (or blocking if the channel is empty). When finished, put the value back into the channel.

4. Concurrency safety and locks

  • sync.Mutex: In order to ensure concurrency safety, when multiple goroutines need to write to shared resources, use a mutex lock (sync.Mutex) to avoid race conditions.
  • Example usage: Use Mutex locking and unbundling when updating shared variables (such as error flags or shared logs)Lock.

5. Handling concurrency errors

  • Collect Concurrency Errors: In a concurrent environment, errors generated by individual goroutines need to be collected and processed.
  • Example usage: Use a shared data structure (protected by a mutex) to collect errors returned from individual goroutines.

Challenges of Concurrent Programming

  • Debugging Difficulties: Debugging concurrent programs is often more complex than single-threaded programs because problems may only occur under certain scheduling or race conditions.
  • Race Conditions: Ensuring that your program is free of race conditions is a major challenge when writing concurrent programs.

Example: Concurrency type checking

Here is a simplified example showing how to implement similar functionality in concurrent programming in Go.

package main

import (

func performCheck(wg *sync.WaitGroup, platform string) {
     defer wg.Done()
     // Simulate type checking operation
     fmt.Println("Checking platform:", platform)
     //Type checking logic is performed here

func main() {
     var wg sync.WaitGroup
     platforms := []string{"linux/amd64", "darwin/amd64", "windows/amd64"}

     for _, platform := range platforms {
         go performCheck(&wg, platform)

     fmt.Println("All platform checks completed.")

In this example, we start a new goroutine for each platform to execute the performCheck function. sync.WaitGroup is used to wait for all checks to complete. This approach shows how to use the concurrency features of the Go language to perform tasks on multiple platforms simultaneously.

Part 5 Practical Exercise

Practical exercises are key to consolidating and improving programming skills. For the Go language project you provided, we can design some practical exercises to deepen your understanding of code structure, concurrent programming, cross-platform construction and type checking mechanisms. Here are a few suggested exercises:

1. Extended functions

  • Added new command line parameters:

    • Try adding more command line parameters, such as adding an option to control whether to print detailed error messages.
      • Implement parameter parsing logic and use these parameters in the program.
  • Support more platforms:

    • The current code may support limited platforms. Try adding support for more platforms, such as linux/arm or android/amd64.
      • Research Go language support for these platforms and modify the code accordingly.

2. Optimize existing code

  • Performance optimization:

    • Analyze and optimize program performance. For example, find and fix possible memory leaks, or reduce unnecessary resource usage.
      • Use performance analysis tools, such as pprof, to help locate performance bottlenecks.
  • Improved error handling:

    • Review error handling in code. Make sure all potential errors are properly handled and no errors are ignored.
      • More complex error recovery strategies can be implemented, such as retrying when specific errors are encountered.

3. Write tests

  • unit test:

    -Write unit tests for key functions and methods in your code to ensure they run correctly under various expected circumstances. - Use Go’s testing package to write and run tests.

  • Integration Testing:

    -Write integration tests to verify that the program as a whole works as expected. - Different environments and parameter combinations can be set up to test different parts of the program.

4. Implement logging

  • Added logging function:

    • Add detailed logging to the program, especially during error handling and critical operations.
      • Use the log package from the standard library or a more advanced logging tool (such as zap or logrus).

5. Build the user interface

  • Command line interface (CLI) improvements:
    • If the current program is a command line tool, you can consider using a library like cobra to improve the command line interface and add functions such as help commands and command auto-completion.

6. Documentation and code comments

-Write documentation: - Write detailed documentation and usage instructions for the program. - Add clear comments to your code, especially for complex logic or parts that are not obvious.

Source code

// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// do a fast type check of openim code, for all platforms.
package main

import (


var (
verbose = flag.Bool("verbose", false, "print more information")
cross = flag.Bool("cross", true, "build for all platforms")
platforms = flag.String("platform", "", "comma-separated list of platforms to typecheck")
timings = flag.Bool("time", false, "output times taken for each phase")
defuses = flag.Bool("defuse", false, "output defs/uses")
serial = flag.Bool("serial", false, "don't type check platforms in parallel (equivalent to --parallel=1)")
parallel = flag.Int("parallel", 2, "limits how many platforms can be checked in parallel. 0 means no limit.")
skipTest = flag.Bool("skip-test", false, "don't type check test code")
tags = flag.String("tags", "", "comma-separated list of build tags to apply in addition to go's defaults")
ignoreDirs = flag.String("ignore-dirs", "", "comma-separated list of directories to ignore in addition to the default hardcoded list including staging, vendor, and hidden dirs")

// When processed in order, windows and darwin are early to make
// interesting OS-based errors happen earlier.
crossPlatforms = []string{
"linux/amd64", "windows/386",
"darwin/amd64", "darwin/arm64",
"linux/386", "linux/arm",
"windows/amd64", "linux/arm64",
"linux/ppc64le", "linux/s390x",

// directories we always ignore
standardIgnoreDirs = []string{
// Staging code is symlinked from vendor/, and uses import
// paths as if it were inside of vendor/. It fails typechecking
// inside of staging/, but works when typechecked as part of vendor/.
// OS-specific vendor code tends to be imported by OS-specific
// packages. We recursively typecheck imported vendored packages for
// each OS, but don't typecheck everything for every OS.
// Tools we use for maintaining the code base but not necessarily
// ship as part of the release

func newConfig(platform string) *packages.Config {
platSplit := strings.Split(platform, "/")
goos, goarch := platSplit[0], platSplit[1]
mode := packages.NeedName | packages.NeedFiles | packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedSyntax | packages.NeedDeps | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedModule
if *defuses {
mode = mode | packages.NeedTypesInfo
env := append(os.Environ(),
fmt.Sprintf("GOOS=%s", goos),
fmt.Sprintf("GOARCH=%s", goarch))
tagstr := "selinux"
if *tags != "" {
tagstr = tagstr + "," + *tags
flags := []string{"-tags", tagstr}

return &packages.Config{
Mode: mode,
Env: env,
BuildFlags: flags,
Tests: !(*skipTest),

type collector struct {

func newCollector(ignoreDirs string) collector {
c := collector{
ignoreDirs: append([]string(nil), standardIgnoreDirs...),
if ignoreDirs != "" {
c.ignoreDirs = append(c.ignoreDirs, strings.Split(ignoreDirs, ",")...)
return c

func (c *collector) walk(roots []string) error {
for _, root := range roots {
err := filepath.Walk(root, c.handlePath)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

// handlePath walks the filesystem recursively, collecting directories,
// ignoring some unneeded directories (hidden/vendored) that are handled
// specially later.
func (c *collector) handlePath(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
name := info.Name()
// Ignore hidden directories (.git, .cache, etc)
if (len(name) > 1 && (name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '_')) || name == "testdata" {
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("DBG: skipping dir %s\n", path)
return filepath.SkipDir
for _, dir := range c.ignoreDirs {
if path == dir {
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("DBG: ignoring dir %s\n", path)
return filepath.SkipDir
// Make dirs into relative pkg names.
// NOTE: can't use filepath.Join because it elides the leading "./"
pkg := path
if !strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "./") {
pkg = "./" + pkg
c.dirs = append(c.dirs, pkg)
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("DBG: added dir %s\n", path)
return nil

func (c *collector) verify(plat string) ([]string, error) {
errors := []packages.Error{}
start := time.Now()
config := newConfig(plat)

rootPkgs, err := packages.Load(config, c.dirs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

// Recursively import all deps and flatten to one list.
allMap := map[string]*packages.Package{}
for _, pkg := range rootPkgs {
if *verbose {
serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "pkg %q has %d GoFiles\n", pkg.PkgPath, len(pkg.GoFiles))
allMap[pkg.PkgPath] = pkg
if len(pkg.Imports) > 0 {
for _, imp := range pkg.Imports {
if *verbose {
serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "pkg %q imports %q\n", pkg.PkgPath, imp.PkgPath)
allMap[imp.PkgPath] = imp
keys := make([]string, 0, len(allMap))
for k := range allMap {
keys = append(keys, k)
allList := make([]*packages.Package, 0, len(keys))
for _, k := range keys {
allList = append(allList, allMap[k])

for _, pkg := range allList {
if len(pkg.GoFiles) > 0 {
if len(pkg.Errors) > 0 && (pkg.PkgPath == "main" || strings.Contains(pkg.PkgPath, ".")) {
errors = append(errors, pkg.Errors...)
if *defuses {
for id, obj := range pkg.TypesInfo.Defs {
serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "%s: %q defines %v\n",
pkg.Fset.Position(id.Pos()), id.Name, obj)
for id, obj := range pkg.TypesInfo.Uses {
serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "%s: %q uses %v\n",
pkg.Fset.Position(id.Pos()), id.Name, obj)
if *timings {
serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "%s took %.1fs\n", plat, time.Since(start).Seconds())
return dedup(errors), nil

func dedup(errors []packages.Error) []string {
ret := []string{}

m := map[string]bool{}
for _, e := range errors {
es := e.Error()
if !m[es] {
ret = append(ret, es)
m[es] = true
return ret

var outMu sync.Mutex

func serialFprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error) {
defer outMu.Unlock()
return fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...)

func main() {
args := flag.Args()

if *verbose {
*serial = true // to avoid confusing interleaved logs

if len(args) == 0 {
args = append(args, ".")

c := newCollector(*ignoreDirs)

if err := c.walk(args); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error walking: %v", err)

platforms := crossPlatforms[:]
if *platforms != "" {
platforms = strings.Split(*platforms, ",")
} else if !*cross {
plats = plats[:1]

var wg sync.WaitGroup
var failMu sync.Mutex
failed := false

if *serial {
*parallel = 1
} else if *parallel == 0 {
*parallel = len(plats)
throttle := make(chan int, *parallel)

for _, plat := range plats {
go func(plat string) {
// block until there's room for this task
throttle <- 1
defer func() {
// indicate this task is done

f := false
serialFprintf(os.Stdout, "type-checking %s\n", plat)
errors, err := c.verify(plat)
if err != nil {
serialFprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR(%s): failed to verify: %v\n", plat, err)
f = true
} else if len(errors) > 0 {
for _, e := range errors {
// Special case CGo errors which may depend on headers we
// don't have.
if !strings.HasSuffix(e, "could not import C (no metadata for C)") {
f = true
serialFprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR(%s): %s\n", plat, e)
failed = failed || f
if failed {