
The story starts with this proposal idea~

🤖OpenIM cicd robot machine proposal

Prow is a CI/CD system based on Kubernetes. Jobs can be triggered by various types of events and report their status to many different services. In addition to job execution, Prow also provides GitHub automation in the form of policy enforcement, chat operations via /foo style commands, and automatic PR merging.

For Golang documentation, see GoDoc. Please note that these libraries are for prow use only and we do not attempt to preserve backwards compatibility.

Kubernetes provides web command query specifically for Prow:

For a brief overview of how Prow runs jobs, see Life of a Prow Job.

To see common usage and interaction flow of Prow, see the Pull Request Interaction Sequence Diagram.

hello world

The simplest example to get started is pull request.

Submit a pull request (hereinafter referred to as PR). In the PR body, feel free to add area tags (if appropriate), such as /area <AREA> . List of labels here. Feel free to recommend a commenter /assign @theirname .

Once your reviewers are satisfied, they will say /lgtm , which will apply the lgtm tag, or if they are an OWNER, the approved tag will be applied. The approved tag will also be automatically applied to PRs opened by the owner. If neither you nor your reviewer are OWNERs, /assign an owner. If your PR has the lgtm and approved tags, does not have any do-not-merge/* tags, and all tests pass, the PR will be automatically merged.

View test results

  • Kubernetes TestGrid displays historical test results
  • PR Dashboard Find PRs that need attention
  • Prow schedule tests and update issues
  • Triage Dashboard summary failure
    • Cluster failures together
    • Search for test failures across jobs
    • Filtering fails in regex for specific tests and/or jobs
  • Velodrome metrics track job and test health.

Functions and Features

**prow is very powerful, even more outstanding than actions. Job execution for testing, batch processing, and artifact release is possible. **

  • GitHub events are used to trigger post-PR-merge (postsubmit) jobs and on-PR-update (presubmit) jobs.
  • Supports multiple execution platforms and source code review sites.

**Pluggable GitHub bot automation, implementing /foo style commands and enforcing configured policies/processes. **

::: details what is foo style The /foo style usually refers to the command format used in chat applications such as Slack. Commands in this form begin with a slash /, followed by a keyword or phrase, such as /help or /status. GitHub bot automation can use this format to implement specific functionality, such as automatically creating issues or pull requests on GitHub and enforcing specific workflows or policies.


Other features:

  • GitHub merges automation with batch testing logic.
  • Frontend for viewing jobs, merge queue status, dynamically generated help information, and more.
  • Automated deployment with configuration-based source code management.
  • Automatic GitHub org/repo management configured in source control.
  • Designed for multi-organization scale with dozens of repositories. (The Kubernetes Prow instance only uses 1 GitHub bot token!)
  • High availability is a benefit of running on Kubernetes. (replication, load balancing, rolling updates…)
  • JSON structured log.
  • Support for Prometheus indicators.


The first consideration for any large-scale project should be stability. The stability of prow relies heavily on unit testing and integration testing.

Getting started: We are divided into three major sections

  • Use your own Prow deployment
  • Developed for Prow
  • As a job author: ProwJobs

Use your own Prow deployment

What we should learn here is how to deploy your own Prow instance to a Kubernetes cluster.

Prow can run in any Kubernetes cluster. The guidance below focuses on Google Kubernetes Engine, but should work on any Kubernetes distribution with no/only minimal changes.

Prow is done using webhook, which is relatively complicated.

That is, when you create a robot, you first create a webhook and then write the webhook link.

k8s has its own service, and prew needs to be built separately.

The address of the webhook is the public address of the service you wrote. Equivalent to github calling webhook

In fact, you write a webhook and then build the webhook on the cloud, and it is connected. Then you can automatically publish and change the image directly. The main thing is to write the webhook and parse the instructions.

If you don’t have your own server, you can also run it yourself with the help of actions. Reference: [https://github.com/labring/sealos/blob/main/.github/workflows/bot.yml](https://github.com /labring/sealos/blob/main/.github/workflows/bot.yml)

GitHub APP

First, you need to Create a GitHub App . GitHub itself has documented this. Initially, setting up a dummy URL for the webhook is enough. The exact set of permissions required varies depending on the features you use. The following is the minimum set of permissions required.

⚠️ A user or organization can only have a maximum of 100 robots

Repository Permissions:

  • Actions: read-only (only required when using merge automation tide)
  • Administration: read-only (required when getting teams and collaborators)
  • Checks: read-only (only required when using merge automation tide)
  • Contents: Read (requires reading and writing tide when using merge automation)
  • Issues: Read & write
  • Metadata: Read-Only
  • Pull Requests: Read & write
  • projects: Admin when using the projects plugin, otherwise none
  • Commit statuses: Read & write

Organization Permissions:

  • Members: read-only (read-write when using peribolos)
  • projects: Admin when using the projects plugin, otherwise none

Select all events in Subscribe to events.

After saving the app, click Generate Private Key at the bottom and save the private key along with the App ID at the top of the page.

sealos also integrates its own robot, which can be used as a distribution version or to solve ordinary PR

The bot warehouse address of sealos is hidden here

How to make a github-bot

GitHub robot is an automation tool that can start an HTTP server based on Koa.js on the server and establish some project specifications, such as specifying the issue format. , pull request format, configure the owner of the specified label, unify the git commit log format, etc. By using GitHub Webhooks and [GitHub API](https://docs.github.com/en/ rest), the robot can automatically handle some things, such asAutomatically reply to issues, automatically merge pull requests, etc. Typically, the bot is a separate account, such as @kubbot. Using GitHub robots can achieve rapid response, automation, and the effect of liberating manpower, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of projects.

actions close and operate the issue

In fact, the most basic permissions of a robot are the permissions for issues and PRs.

name: Invite users to join our group
     name: Invite users to join our group
     if: ${{ github.event.comment.body == '/invite' }}
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
       issues: write

       - name: Invite user to join our group
         uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
           issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
           body: |

       - name: Close Issue
         uses: peter-evans/close-issue@v3
           issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
           comment: auto-closing issue, if you still need help please reopen the issue or ask for help in the community above
           labels: |

github address:

Finally, I thoughtfully added labels.

Here’s another one: Issues Translate Chinese Action

Translate actions containing Chinese issues into English issues in real time.

name: 'issue translator'
     types: [created]
     types: [opened]

     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
       - uses: usthe/issues-translate-action@v2.7
           # it is not necessary to decide whether you need to modify the issue header content
           IS_MODIFY_TITLE: true
           BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
           # Required, input your bot github token One thing that’s amazing here is that we don’t need to specify the user @kubbot of the BOT in GitHub. GitHub can know and parse it out in the environment key.

After using the above template, GitHub can automatically analyze the issue and translate it.

There is another translation using chatgpt:

Create a comment with /gpt-translate or /gt in an issue or pull request.

[On issue] The converted file will be created as a pull request.

[On pull request] The converted files will be added to the pull request via a new commit.

In other words, if you continue to comment on an issue, new PRs will keep being created. If you keep commenting on a PR, new commits will constantly be added to that PR.

/gpt-translate README.md README_zh-CN.md traditional-chinese

actions file:


# .github/workflows/gpt-translate.yml
name: GPT Translate

     types: [created]

     runs-on: ubuntu-latest

       - uses: actions/checkout@v3

       - name: Run GPT Translate
         if: |
           contains(github.event.comment.body, '/gpt-translate') ||
           contains(github.event.comment.body, '/gt')           
         uses: 3ru/gpt-translate@v1.0
           apikey: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}
           token: "${{ secrets.BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}"

How to use a specified GitHub robot instead of GitHub actions

Every time I see GitHub actions, I feel that they don’t look pleasing to the eye, so I might as well build my own robot.

But I accidentally got two of them 😒


Lighthouse is a lightweight ChatOps based webhook handler that can trigger Jenkins X Pipelines, Tekton Pipelines or Jenkins Jobs based on webhooks from multiple git providers such as GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, BitBucket Server and GitLab.

Lighthouse was also originally based on prow, and started from a copy of their base code.

Currently, Lighthouse supports the standard Prow plugin and handles pushing the webhook to the branch and then triggering the pipeline execution on the agent of your choice.

Lighthouse uses the same config.yaml and plugins.yaml as Prow for configuration.

Test-Infra Introduction

As the basic guarantee of kubernetes, test-infra is very powerful.


Architecture Explanation:

Regarding the architecture of test-infra, we can first find that it is relatively complex and contains many microservice components. It is worth noting that the interaction between the microservices in test-infra and other microservices does not use the traditional way we are familiar with. For example, it is not called through grpc, which is different from traditional microservices such as OpenIM. .

The core component of test-infra’s architecture is Hooks, which are responsible for receiving different types of events. Then, test-infra will distribute it to different plug-ins according to the event type through a plug-in system for processing. For example, if we consider an instance, then in the prow directory of the kubernetes test-infra repository, we can find a collection of plugins named plugins, and one of the plugins is named transfer-issue. This plugin is responsible for handling PR requests.

On the other hand, for unit requests it will do unit tests and for merge requests it will do merge tests. In this system, we also have a CRD resource called prowjob, which provides a high-level abstraction, as well as a custom controller.

All test results will be posted back to the GitHub test panel. Status updates will be made through the crier and then transferred to the corresponding organization and warehouse addresses.

For visualization, test-infra provides a component called deck. The corresponding website is prow.k8s.io, which provides a front-end view so that users can understand and control the entire testing process more intuitively.

This design makes the test-infra architecture complex and flexible, but also brings a high degree of customization and scalability.

Basic components:

  1. Prow Controller Manager: The Prow Controller Manager is the core component of Prow and is responsible for coordinating various subsystems of Prow. It monitors events in Git repositories and triggers appropriate actions based on configuration.
  2. Prow Job: Prow Job defines a task or job in the CI/CD system. It describes the code, tests, and deployment steps to run, and specifies the conditions that trigger the job.
  3. Prow Plugin: Prow plug-in is an extension mechanism that allows developers to add custom functionality to the Prow system. Plug-ins can listen to events and perform corresponding actions, such as automating code reviews, generating reports, etc.
  4. Prow Dashboard: The Prow Dashboard is a web interface used to monitor and manage the running status of the Prow system. It provides a visual interface for jobs, plug-ins and events, making it easy for users to view and operate.
  5. Plank: Plank is Prow’s task scheduler, responsible for allocating Prow Jobs to available worker nodes for execution. It monitors the job queue and distributes jobs to appropriate worker nodes for parallel execution.
  6. Hook: Hook is Prow’s event handler for receiving and processing events from Git repositories. It listens for events in the Git repository and forwards these events to Prow’s Controller Manager for processing.
  7. Deck: Deck is the user interface of Prow, which provides a web interface for viewing information such as jobs, plug-ins, and events in the Prow system.Developers can use Deck to monitor and manage CI/CD processes, view job status and logs, etc.
  8. Sinker: Sinker is Prow’s cleaner, responsible for cleaning up expired jobs and resources. It regularly checks the status of jobs and cleans up completed or expired jobs to free up resources and keep the system clean.
  9. Tide: Tide is Prow’s automatic merge manager, used to manage the code merge process. It monitors Pull Requests in Git repositories and automatically merges eligible Pull Requests based on configured rules.

What log storage can k8s prow support?

I heard two sentences in kubesphere before:

Prow currently only supports Github and Gerrit. It is difficult to see support for gitlab in the short term.

But we can support it through Lighthouse

prow’s persistent storage only supports GCP, but you can use Jenkins X, which uses Knative to run Job

This sentence is wrong. We can find it through prow and it can support other clouds. Prow does not only use GCP, as long as it is an SDK compatible with s3, it will work.

Basic satisfaction

Create access tokens

https://github.com/settings/tokens (Need to be configured in .env)

Create webhook

All events in the warehouse need to be monitored through webhooks.


  • Payload URL: www.example.com:8000
  • Content type: application/json
  • trigger: Send me everything.
  • Secret: xxx (needs to be configured in .env)

Development and running

npm install
cp env .env
npm start


This project uses pm2 for service management. Please install pm2 globally before publishing.

npm install pm2 -g
npm run deploy

After starting the service in the background, you can use pm2 ls to view the running status of the service name github-bot. For specific usage of pm2, please visit: https://github.com/Unitech/pm2

Log system description

The logger service of this system is based on log4js. There is a parameter LOG_TYPE in the .env file in the root directory, which defaults to console. Parameter value description:

console - output log via console.
file - Output all relevant logs to the `log` folder in the root directory.

Reference article

Test Infra

Contains prow:

Does not contain prow:


Prow: Keeping Kubernetes CI/CD Above Water - Kurt Madel

[Prow, Jenkins X Pipeline Operator, and Tekton: Going Serverless With Jenkins jenkins-x)

Jenkins X replaces Prow with Lighthouse for better source control compatibility • DEVCLASS

Prow + Kubernetes - A Perfect Combination To Execute CI/CD At Scale

refer to


Code part:

test-infra/prow at master · kubernetes/test-infra