2023 Annual Summary Reflections and Aspirations

My 2023 Annual Summary As 2023 swiftly draws to a close, my university life is nearing its end with just half a year remaining. A friend once said, “What’s frightening is not losing your passion for work, but never being able to find it again.” This year, I encountered many people and experienced numerous events, gradually shaping my world view. I’m fond of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and often reflect on my own state through it....

December 30, 2023 · 13 min · 2664 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

Crafting Your Career Pathway: A Guide to Open Source Resume Builders and Expert Resume Tips

In the vast sea of job hunting, a well-prepared resume acts like a well-designed sailboat, helping you navigate through the fierce waves of competition. With the flourishing development of the open-source community, many excellent resume building tools have emerged, designed to help job seekers create professional and personalized resumes at minimal cost. This article will introduce you to several top-tier open-source resume builders and provide practical tips for crafting and optimizing your resume....

April 19, 2024 · 3 min · 544 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

Troubleshooting Guide for OpenIM

Translation and Enhancement of the Article on Troubleshooting Techniques Using OpenIM If you’re seeking specific answers to issues related to OpenIM, I regret to inform you that this article isn’t a collection of problems and solutions. Instead, it focuses on the troubleshooting methods and debugging techniques gleaned from development and operational experiences using OpenIM as a case study. If you’re interested in learning how to diagnose faults and pinpoint issues, please continue reading....

April 16, 2024 · 28 min · 5886 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

Sora Ease Guide: Mastering Sora AI for Developers

Copyright: SoraEase, please indicate the source when forwarding. This article from the https://github.com/SoraEase/sora-prompt open source project,SoraEase wants to provide automated, easy, and quick to use tools and guidelines for SORa-related developers. Sora Prompt Collection, a repository dedicated to inspiring AI-driven video creation with Sora. Structured Prompt | Sora Collection of prompt words, a repository designed to inspire AI-driven video creation using Sora. Sora | Sora is an AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from OpenAI’s text instructions....

March 14, 2024 · 12 min · 2534 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

Exploring Sora Technology for Enthusiasts and Developers

Sora! ! ! Recently, there has been a craze about Sora on the Internet. As the latest technology launched by OpenAI, Sora gives the magic of text-generated videos, and the results it demonstrates are impressive. At present, the appeal of short videos has far exceeded traditional novels and graphic comics. Therefore, the advent of Sora may trigger a revolution in the field of video production. The charm of Sora is that it can generate up to 60 seconds of video content based on text descriptions, which includes detailed scene settings, lifelike character expressions, and smooth camera transitions....

February 24, 2024 · 21 min · 4385 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

Unlocking the Magic of Flow State: A Guide to Enhanced Focus and Happiness

Flow State As I mentioned in my previous post on GTD and the Four Quadrant Rule Practice, I have been striving to enhance my focus and efficiency. Reflecting on the moments when I initially experienced the flow state, whether engrossed in a game or a novel, time seemed to stand still. The flow state is not just about the swift passage of time; it has profound effects on our lives, health, productivity, and even our sense of happiness....

February 13, 2024 · 3 min · 557 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

GTD and the Quadrant Method Practice

GTD and the Quadrant Method Practice During the New Year holidays, I spent a lot of time reflecting. Alongside the growth and many merits over the past year, I also identified several shortcomings: Lack of proactive thought on prioritizing tasks A tendency to actively solve issues without much focus Difficulty in concentrating on completing specific TODOs Whenever I review my tasks, despite their number, I often feel a lack of clear judgment and thorough consideration....

February 12, 2024 · 13 min · 2568 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

Decoding Go Language Source Code: A Deep Dive into go: Directives and the Use of Automation Tools

These go: instructions in the Go source code && go automation tools Developers have a strong tendency to automate repetitive tasks, and this also applies to writing code. Boilerplate code may include operations such as setting up a basic file structure, initializing variables, defining functions, or importing libraries or modules. In some cases, packages provide boilerplate code as a starting point for developers to build from, typically generated after the code behavior has been configured....

January 25, 2024 · 22 min · 4561 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

Vector Database Learning

Vector database learning I learned rust today and found that rust is a very suitable language for writing databases. I found a treasure project tikv. Its github project address is https://github.com/tikv/tikv. It is a very active project, but today I The topic is vector database in the field of AI. Without further ado, let’s get started right away. prerequisites 0.1 Introduction to basic knowledge: Understand the basic definition of vector database and its difference from traditional database....

January 20, 2024 · 39 min · 8112 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me

OpenIM: Building an Efficient Version Control and Testing Workflow

The success of an open-source project largely depends on its quality management and collaborative processes. In the OpenIM open-source community, the standardization of project management and testing processes is crucial to ensure the quality and stability of the codebase. This document provides a brief overview of our testing strategy, branch management, quality control policies, and how they are applied to the main branch, PR testing branches, and stable release branches to meet the needs of developers, testers, and community managers....

January 15, 2024 · 5 min · 1022 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me