In 2023, I Was Wandering at the Edge of the World

about me #Last College Career #Travel Observations #Transnational Adventure #Life Change #Growth Story #Exploring the Unknown #Memoir #Cultural Experience #Natural Beauty #City Walk #History Precipitation #Outdoor Adventure #Mountain and River Camping #First Time in Life #World Heritage #Food Experience #Life and Work Balance #Graduation Countdown #From Wuhan Go to Shenzhen #Anhui Huangshan #Explore the ancient city of Shexian #Lijiang Ancient City Tour #江西武公山 adventure #Hong Kong MacLehose Trail #Macau Parisian Travel #Western Sichuan Snow Mountain Shocking #MalaysiaSolo Travel #SingaporeExplore...

March 3, 2024 · 36 min · 7561 words · Xinwei Xiong, Me